Type 1 Diabetes Moonshot

Join the largest global community of innovators and funders collaborating to prevent, manage, and cure Type 1 diabetes.

StartUp Health is on a mission to solve the biggest health challenges of our time by creating and sustaining a global ecosystem of Health Moonshot Communities™.

Become a Health Transformer through StartUp Health's T1D Moonshot Fellowship and join the world's largest collaborative community of entrepreneurs and innovators coming together to solve the biggest health challenges of our time.

Anchored by a program-related investment from The Helmsley Charitable Trust, the three-year fellowship is designed to help T1D innovators achieve their health moonshot.

Health Moonshot Champions

The true catalyst for the health moonshot, our champions, provide critical funding to support the T1D Moonshot Community. They also guide the thesis and help accelerate momentum.

Anchoring the T1D Moonshot is program-related investment from The Helmsley Charitable Trust.

Partnering for Impact

When StartUp Health set out to form a Type 1 Diabetes Moonshot, our first step was to form a mission-aligned, cross-disciplinary impact board that brought together the brightest minds from the top organizations in T1D globally.

Mission control for the health moonshot, the T1D Moonshot Impact Board is thoughtfully composed of a diverse ensemble of philanthropists, foundations, academic institutions, industry leaders, pharmaceutical experts, families impacted by T1D, and enterprising entrepreneurs.

The T1D Moonshot Scorecard

The scorecard serves as the foundational measurement for our initiative, ensuring that prospective partners and projects both align with our mission and are capable of delivering impact. 

Developed in partnership with the T1D Moonshot Impact Board, the scorecard determines the criteria by which companies and research teams qualify for admission to Health Transformer University’s T1D Fellowship program.

Type 1 Diabetes Moonshot Community

Fellowship Program

Health Transformer University (HTU) serves as the nucleus of our health moonshot ecosystem, fostering collaboration globally. Tailored for entrepreneurs and innovators, it offers essential tools, structures, and networks to accelerate innovation cycles and guide transformative solutions through all growth stages.

While numerous academic institutions advance science, technology, and biology, none focus globally on training startup founders for the challenges of building, commercializing, and scaling a digital health, biotech, or life sciences company. Empowering individuals to navigate complex regulations and secure funding, Health Transformer University provides a proven program and a supportive community. We understand the unique challenges they face and equip them to thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

Become a Health Moonshot Champion